First download the above rom
Place the boot.IMG in the extracted folder
Now using WinZip compress it to .zip Main thing select
compression as normal CWM Recovery package from here.
•Rename the file to recovery.img and copy&Replace it on the
folder you downloaded previously.
•Load the Scatter file on Sp tools.
•Now uncheck all the options other than Recovery in the sp tools.
•click on recovery and select the path to the file you downloaded
•click Download and switch off the phone and connect the usb to
the pc.
•now you have succesfully installed cwm
Now go to cwm by pressing volume+ and volume down and power
key at a time now you are in cwm recovery
Steps to Flash HYPERMOD™ Version 2.0:
(Take a Backup if you want to revert back to the old system or just backup your apps)
1) Download ROM Zip File from the Link Above
2) Put into External/Internal SD Card
3) Go To CMW/TWRP/LEWA Recovery
4) Wipe Data/Factory Reset
5) Wipe Cache
6) Go to 'Mounts and Storage' and Format System, Data and Cache
7) Go to 'Advanced' and Wipe Dalvik Cache
8) Select 'Install zip From Sdcard' and choose the ROM Zip File
9) Select Yes and The Installation will Start
10) 'Fix Permissions' from Advanced Menu After Installation
(Fixing Permissions is Very Important)
11) Restart Your Phone
10) Enjoy the ROM
Note: The First Boot Up Might take 3-5 Minutes So Please be Patient.
Don't use crossbreader with LeWa , it will cause UI Lags.
Thanks to @Utkarsh-ezzo for information.
- After pluging in your USB drive/OTG open app USB OTG Helper[shardul_seth] and tap mount ,
drive will get mounted then goto /storage/sdcard0/UsbOtgDrives to use USB drive. - First start of usb otg helper may take time/wont run or may force close/crash due to some SU error, launch again 1 or 2 times to make it work and get Root access.
Goto Settings->Developer Options->Change Window Animation Scale,Transition Animation Scale and Animator Duration scale to -> .5x for more smoothness
Entropy Increase:
Install Pimp My ROM
Slide to tools tab
scroll down and select Entropy Generator
Toggle Set on boot
scroll down to Random read wakeup threshold and tab detect Average value
scroll down to Random write wakeup Threshold and tap detect average value
and then at top, tap Apple new values
not booting up...stucked on lewa logo and nothing happened for next half an hour